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Knowledge in context, August 3, 2023


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A black eye on baseball
On August 3, 1921, eight players on the Chicago White Sox—including Shoeless Joe Jackson—received lifetime bans after allegedly taking bribes to lose the 1919 World Series.
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Lance Armstrong overcame cancer to win a record seven Tour de Frances. However, in 2012 he was stripped of his titles and banned for life due to his use of illegal performance-enhancing drugs.
ACGP :: Home:The ACGP has developed a network of partnerships with other corporate governance bodies and organisations around the world. These partnerships allow us to deliver qualifications and services and develop the governance profession both nationally and internationally.
In 1989 former baseball star and then manager of the Cincinnati Reds Pete Rose (AKA “Charlie Hustle”) was banned from the sport when it was discovered that he bet on games.
A hunger to win
In 1997 Mike Tyson was disqualified from a match and had his boxing license temporarily suspended after twice biting opponent Evander Holyfield’s ears.
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and…steroids?
The “steroids era” in baseball tainted the legacy of many players, notably Mark McGwire, who eventually admitted to using steroids in 1998, when he broke Roger Maris’s single season home-run record.


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Christopher Columbus arriving in the New World, 1492. Columbus presents gifts to the first natives to greet him on his landing in America. Columbus set out to discover a westward route to Asia. (Native Americans, colonization of the Americas)
Columbian Exchange
article / Science
"The Trail of Tears" by Robert Ottakar Lindneux; in the collection of the Woolaroc Museum, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. (Native Americans, American Indians)
The Shrinking of Native American Lands
Image: SuperStock
The First European to Reach North America
article / World History
Image: © Fine Art Images/age fotostock


See All Quizzes
United States Historical Flag: Stars and Stripes 1863 to 1865
How many stripes are on the American flag? Which state has the fewest counties? Sort out the facts in this quiz about the...
asia bee map
Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia are just a few places where you might travel to get a taste for new cultues, cuisines, and...
Pakistan Monument is a landmark in Islamabad which represents the four provinces of Pakistan.
Countries and Capitals Quiz
How well do you know the world’s capital cities? In this quiz you’ll be presented with the names of 195 capital cities. You’ll...
Superficial arteries and veins of face and scalp, cardiovascular system, human anatomy, (Netter replacement project - SSC)
The Human Body
You may know that the human brain is composed of two halves, but what fraction of the human body is made up of blood? Test...
Cricket bat and ball. cricket sport of cricket.Homepage blog 2011, arts and entertainment, history and society, sports and games athletics
Cricket Quiz
Immensely popular in England, Australia, India, and many other British Commonwealth countries, the sport of cricket is a...
View of the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31, M31).
Astronomy and Space Quiz
What makes a planet a dwarf planet? How many miles are in a light-year? What exactly is a quasar? Launch into other worlds...
Model of a molecule. Atom, Biology, Molecular Structure, Science, Science and Technology. Homepage 2010  arts and entertainment, history and society
Science Quiz
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Washington Monument. Washington Monument and fireworks, Washington DC. The Monument was built as an obelisk near the west end of the National Mall to commemorate the first U.S. president, General George Washington.
All-American History Quiz
Who was the original Edsel? When did a U.S. president first appear on TV? Go back in time for the all-American answers.
U.S. State Capitals Quiz
Do you know the capitals of the 50 states? In this quiz, you’ll be given a state, and you’ll need to select its capital city—all...
Explore India Quiz
Delhi lies on which river? How many countries border India? In what state is Bengaluru? Explore India’s vibrant geography...


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Britannica Insights: Renewable Energy and the Coronavirus Pandemic
Britannica Insights: Renewable Energy and the Coronavirus Pandemic
实战Linux服务器安全加固培训视频教程_屌丝建站教程自学网:2021-9-5 · 本套实战Linux服务器安全加固培训视频教程是一套非常不错的视频自学教学,对您的linux安全维护水平应该会有相当的一部分提高,学习贵在坚持,屌丝建站教程自学网祝您在学习的道路
drive-in movies
drive-in movies
Works Progress Administration
Works Progress Administration
This Week in History: July 20–26
This Week in History: July 27–August 2
This Week in History: July 27–August 2
Columbus Day
Just the Facts: India's Independence Day
Just the Facts: India's Independence Day
Top Questions: David Hume
Top Questions: David Hume
Top Questions: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
グランブルーファンタジー - Granblue Fantasy:バトルなどの動作が重い時は、設定変更により改善される場合があります。
Top Questions: Pullman Strike
Top Questions: Pullman Strike
Top Questions: John Milton


women's suffrage

August 18 marks the 100th anniversay of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. To honor this historic event, we've dedicated a site to the 72-year struggle to win women's suffrage in the U.S.

Voting Can Cause Infertility in Women?

In this video, learn about five of the more absurd explanations people gave to justify denying women the right to vote.


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Entertainment & Pop Culture Entertainment & Pop Culture
Entertainment and leisure activities have been a part of all cultures in one form or another since the ancient times, whether the activity in question involved participating in a dance performance, attending a Broadway show, going to a music festival, or watching a movie.
  • African theatre
  • Can You Drink Water from a Cactus?
    You’re lost and thirsty in a desert. Is that cactus...
  • Why Does Cilantro Taste Like Soap to Some People?
    Some people detest cilantro in their food. Are they...
Geography & Travel Geography & Travel
Planet Earth contains some extraordinarily diverse environments, some of which are easily habitable and some not so much. In different areas of Earth, one might find sweltering deserts, dense tropical rainforests, or bone-chilling tundras. Each biome and habitat comes with its own selection of flora and fauna, and it may include physical features such as canyons, volcanoes, rivers, or caves. Human beings have built homes in many different environments, settling the area and organizing it into units such as cities, states, regions, and countries, each with its own points of interest. Shifting trends in human migration have resulted in a human geography that is profoundly different from that of centuries ago.
  • Asia
  • 登录中心 - 支付宝 - Alipay:您的浏览器版本太低,为保障信息的安全,请于2月28日前升级浏览器
    Is Paraguay north of the Equator? Is Santiago the capital...
  • Pin the Capital on the Country: Fact or Fiction?
    Is Mecca the capital of Saudi Arabia? Is Milan the...
Health & Medicine Health & Medicine
The study of the human mind and body, how these function, and how they interact—not only with each other but also with their environment—has been of utmost importance in ensuring human well-being. Research on potential treatments and preventive medicine has expanded greatly with the development of modern medicine, and a network of disciplines, including such fields as genetics, psychology, and nutrition, aims to facilitate the betterment of our health.
  • Human disease
  • Viruses, Bacteria, and Diseases
    If a person has lockjaw, what disease is he or she...
  • Human Health
    What is the most prevalent noncontagious disease in...
Lifestyles & Social Issues Lifestyles & Social Issues
It's easy enough to agree that human beings all around the world have certain basic requirements that must be fulfilled in order to ensure their individual and collective well-being. History has shown us, however, that it's not so easy to form societies or communities that fulfill these requirements for all members. The fight over human and civil rights has persisted for hundreds of years and remains alive today, both within the borders of nations and on an international scale. It has led to large-scale social movements and reforms concerning issues such as suffrage, slavery, women's rights, racial discrimination, environmentalism, gay rights, and more.
  • Human rights
  • Cannibalism: Cultures, Cures, Cuisine, and Calories
    A short history of one of society’s biggest taboos.
  • Where Did the Word Hippie Come From?
    Peace, man.
acgp加速器 Literature
With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.
  • Latin American literature
  • Diagnosing 9 of Charles Dickens’s Most Famous Characters
    Dickens had a knack for expertly portraying human diseases....
  • 6 Fictional Languages You Can Really Learn
    Pedich Edhellen? Do you speak...
Philosophy & Religion acgp加速器
Humans have long pondered not only how we came to be but also why we came to be. The earliest Greek philosophers focused their attention upon the origin and nature of the physical world; later philosophers have theorized about the nature of knowledge, truth, good and evil, love, friendship, and much more. Thus, philosophy involves a methodical assessment of any and all aspects of human existence and experience. The realms of philosophy and religion have sometimes intersected in conducting inquiries such as these. As with philosophy, the study of religion underscores how humankind has long speculated about its origins. The possibility of a higher being (or beings) to which livings things owe their existence has long captived human thought. Many religions also offer their own views on the nature of good and evil, and they may prescribe guidelines and judgment on different kinds of human behavior.
  • Metaphysics
  • Brain Games: 8 Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
    Dust off your thinking cap.
  • 12 Greek Gods and Goddesses
    Crazy? These gods aren’t crazy. Nooo….
acgp加速器 Politics, Law & Government
The world today is divided territorially into more than 190 countries, each of which possesses a national government that claims to exercise sovereignty and seeks to compel obedience to its will by its citizens. Governments can be classified in any number of ways. For example, they might be classified by the number of rulers, thus distinguishing government by one (as in a monarchy or a tyranny) from government by the few (in an aristocracy or oligarchy) and from government by the many (as in a democracy). Governments can also be classified by mode of succession; for example, ascension to governmental leadership may follow the rules of hereditary succession, or it may be determined through elections or by force. Governments also vary in terms of the laws and rules of conduct that each political entity follows.
  • Political system
  • U.S. Constitutional History Quiz
    Who is considered the father of the U.S. Constitution?...
  • Global Governance Quiz
    Intergovernmental cooperation is essential to resolve...
acgp加速器 Science
How can the sky be blue one day and stormy the next? Why do heavy objects tend to fall downwards when dropped? How are birds able to fly (and why can’t I do the same?)? Human beings have long been curious about the world in which we live, striving to identify connections among the phenomenons we witness and to understand how it all works. The field of science has developed over many centuries as a way of studying and understanding the world, beginning with the primitive stage of simply noting important regularities in nature and continuing through the rise of modern science. The modern-day sciences cover a vast range of fields, including biology, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, physics, and much more.
  • Nervous system
  • Best In Show
    How many breeds of dogs are there? What is the largest...
  • Dog Fun Facts Quiz
    How many bones are in a dog’s spine? Which sense does...
acgp加速器 Sports & Recreation
Physical contests and recreational games have long played a part in human society. In both team and solo sports, the human body has been pushed to its limits in the name of improving athletic performance and to break record upon record. The ancient Olympic Games are an early example of the contests in which humans have engaged to showcase physical prowess. In modern times, sports and games have evolved into a lucrative and competitive industry, while other leisure activities, such as card and video games, can be competitive or can just be a way to unwind or socialize.
  • acgp加速器
  • Gymnastics: Fact or Fiction?
    Are you a gymnast or a fan of the gymnastic arts? Test...
  • Canadian Football League
    Think you know something about the Canadian Football...
acgp加速器 Technology
Humankind has long striven to improve its living conditions through the development of tools, instruments, and transportation and communications systems, all with the goal of making our lives easier, more productive and—why not—more fun, too! Thanks to human curiosity and technological research, many significant inventions have been made throughout history that in turn made a difference in our daily lives.
  • Technology
  • 6 Signs It’s Already the Future
    If you thought future tech was just for sci-fi flicks,...
  • 10 Inventions That Changed Your World
    Things you really can’t live...
Visual Arts Visual Arts
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  • Gothic art
  • 8 Mythological Monsters You Should Be Glad Aren’t Real
    There’s a reason you wanted your parents to check under...
  • 6 Classical Dances of India
    Dance like 1.2 billion people are watching.
World History World History
Does history really repeat itself, or can we learn from the mistakes of those who came before us? History provides a chronological, statistical, and cultural record of the events, people, and movements that have made an impact on humankind and the world at large throughout the ages. Investigating the causes and results of past events is critically important in gaining a full understanding and perspective of present-day issues.
  • Seven Years' War
  • Inventions: From Bayonets to Jet Engines
    When was the safety pin invented? When was the Model...
  • American Industry and Innovation
    Do you know which American building was the first to...


Britannica Beyond
Questions are an important way for people to learn concepts, to solve problems, and to challenge ideas. We’ve created a new place where questions are at the center of our learning. Go ahead. Ask. We won’t mind.
Advocacy for Animals
Presenting Advocacy for Animals, a blog focused primarily on animal rights, wildlife conservation, environmental health and safety, and the legal and cultural issues related to these topics. This blog is a source of information and a call to action. It is meant to be a provocation and a stimulus to thought regarding humanity’s relationship with nonhuman animals.
Alain Elkann Interviews
Alain has been writing a weekly interview column for the Italian newspaper La Stampa since 1989. His interviews celebrate some of the best known and successful personalities of the present day.
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